Access Funds

Currently Open for Applications

The North Bay and Area Community Foundation has disbursed over $5,000,000 in charitable grants since 2010!

Annual Community Grants Program

If you are a local charitable organization that is in need of operational support or looking to fund a project that serves our community, you may be eligible to receive up to $15,000 in funding through the North Bay and Area Community Foundation’s Annual Community Grants! 

Grant applications are accepted year-round, closing on November 30th.

  • All applications will be reviewed by our Grants Committee
  • Applications can be in the range from $500-$15,000
  • Priority will be given to those who have a sound budget, meet a demonstrated need in our area, show a collaborative approach and demonstrate project feasibility

Applications must be submitted via email by November 30th at 5pm.

Application Form – NBACF

Kennedy Fall Fellowship Fund

The purpose of the Fund shall be to create and provide a sustainable source of funding so the Fellowship may continue to provide community support for years to come and to celebrate the legacy of the Fellowship and the lives of its members who have made an impact on our area.

Application Form – KFF

Scholarship Funds

Barbara Treleaven Memorial Dance Award

Keera Daniel Memorial Scholarship (for Chippewa Students Only)

Marty Southcott Scholarship

Impact Reports

Community Grant Impact Report Form

Impact Report Form

Closed to Applications

Community Services Recovery Fund – CLOSED

The Community Services Recovery Fund is a $400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support charities and non-profits as they focus on how to adapt their organizations for pandemic recovery.

The North Bay and Area Community Foundation is proud to be working with community foundations across Canada as part of the Community Services Recovery Fund. This fund is a collaboration between Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada to provide funding to Community Service Organizations including non-profit organizations, Indigenous Governing Bodies and Registered Charities located in Canada. The Community Services Recovery Fund responds to what charities and non-profits need right now and supports organizations as they adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic.

Community Service Organizations can apply from January 6, 2023, until February 21, 2023.  Visit to find out more about how to apply, explore resources for applicants, and sign up for upcoming webinars. 

The Investment Readiness Program – CLOSED

Funded by the Government of Canada, the Investment Readiness Program (IRP)  supports social purpose organizations as they contribute to solving pressing social, cultural and environmental challenges across Canada.

Its goal is to help social purpose organizations build their capacity to participate in Canada’s growing social finance market and prepare themselves to be able to take on investments. IRP is currently open for an additional round of applications for thanks to the renewed $50 million investment from the Government of Canada. The IRP is supporting social purpose organizations as they recovery from the pandemic and build more resilient communities for the future.

For more information: CFC Website

Canada Healthy Communities Initiative – CLOSED

The Healthy Communities Initiative is a $60 million investment from the Government of Canada to transform public spaces in response to COVID-19.

The Healthy Communities Initiative will provide funding to a broad range of organizations, including local governments, charities, Indigenous communities and nonprofits, for projects, programming and services that help communities :

  • create safe and vibrant public spaces,
  • improve mobility options and
  • provide innovative digital solutions to connect people and improve health.

For more information: CFC Website

Emergency Community Support Fund – CLOSED

We will be providing a second round of funding to support local charities responding to COVID-19 as part of a partnership with Community Foundations of Canada, United Way Centraide Canada and the Canadian Red Cross, funded through the Government of Canada’s $350M Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF). This vast national effort aims to support vulnerable populations disproportionately affected by COVID-19. The North Bay and Area Community Foundation is among some 150 local community foundations across Canada that are taking part.  

For more information: CFC Website

To Apply: Online Portal

Tips for Success:

Clearly Outline Expenses – A detailed budget will bolster your chances of receiving the funding your project requires. Include in-kind or donated services and materials in your budget or budget notes. Ensure that your budget aligns with your request and include quotes where applicable.

Emphasize Impact – Demonstrate what need is being addressed by your project and why it is you addressing it. Who will be affected and how?

Briefly Outline a Communication Plan – If applicable, articulate how you will be reaching your targeted audience/participants.

Be Clear and Concise – Get to the heart of it while using facts. Please be direct and comprehensible when outlining your project.

COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund -CLOSED

If your organization requires increased financial support in the wake of COVID-19 please fill out the application below and email to [email protected]

Thank you to the Rotary Club of North Bay for their seed funding. We are stronger together.