Canada 150 – Smart & Caring Communities

Our Future as a Smart and Caring Community:

Canada is turning 150 – Leave your mark on the North Bay Area for the next 150 years

“I have always been of the belief that you get what you give and you will do better because you will feel better. We all have a role to play in caring for our community.” – Ted Thomson, Honourary Campaign Chair

We are delighted to invite you to invest in our community’s future through our Smart & Caring Communities Campaign. Our priority is to strengthen our community as a whole by helping to develop its smaller working parts. Canada will celebrate its 150th birthday in 2017. We aim to secure gifts of $1000 from 150 people in our community to grow our Smart and Caring Communities Fund as we work towards ensuring sustainable funding is available for our area’s charitable organizations for the next 150 years.

Specifically, your $1000 contribution will support initiatives that will improve organizations from a wide spectrum of areas; arts & culture, physical wellbeing, mental health, the environment, youth, animal care, and more.

The Governor General’s Challenge

With his keynote address to the national conference of community foundations, Canada’s Governor General issued a challenge. The invitation to build a “smart and caring” nation as Canada approaches its 150th birthday marked a watershed moment and has galvanized a new way of thinking about the work of community foundations across the country. Our contribution to the Governor General’s call is now coming into focus: build Smart and Caring Communities.

At the local level, over 190 community foundations have been energized to imagine opportunities that are innovative, inclusive and that offer sustainable ways for communities to become more vibrant places to live, work, and play.

Since 2006, The NBACF has granted, and flowed-through grants, to more than 30 local programs and projects, providing financial support that sustains a strong and vibrant community. In 2017, we are responding to the Governor General’s challenge by launching our Smart and Caring Communities campaign. Through this campaign, donors will be supporting a critical moment in the Foundation’s history as we build a culture of involvement, engagement and collaboration, today and for generations to come.


We will celebrate and highlight your generous gift in the following ways:

  • As a lead donor, you will be invited to, and recognized at, our Smart and Caring Communities Fund Launch to be held in celebration of Canada’s 150th Birthday
  • Your gift will be recognized on our Foundation website, at our Annual Foundation Dinner and will be recognized on a plaque, to be unveiled at City Hall

Canada 150 Community Leaders

Canada 150 Christmas for Community